Our Story |
There comes a time in everyone’s life when our inner voice asks us how are we contributing to the burgeoning Indian economy? As an answer to our inner voice, we launched MasterClass® Training & Consulting LLP with a Mission Statement as follows: |
Core Purpose & Mission of MasterClass® is ‘Nation Building’; by contributing, in our own way, to the economic development of our country by helping tens of thousands of Indian Companies and millions of individuals reach the next level of success. We do this by providing business coaching & mentoring services, execution consulting services, simplified training programs and tools, through various mediums across the country, through professionals with practical industry experience. |
When we set about thinking what will be our uniqueness & differentiation, we zeroed down on the following two: |
- Simplified (Click to Read More)
During our careers while working with top corporate companies, we have hired services of various consulting organizations, including some of the Big- 5 from the management consulting world. We have observed one commonality in their approach to any brief. |
As solutions, they present 50 to 100 slides presentations or 50 to 100 page reports loaded with heavy management jargons, their internally coined jargons, complex charts, graphs, matrixes. They make the whole problem look so complex, that the solution looks very impressive & worth the time and, of course, the money spent. |
The problem with this approach is that they miss the point. Very little is understood except by the highly intellectual academically oriented end-users & therefore very little gets implemented! The same is true for most of the seminars & workshops that you attend. They bombard you with 50 to 100 slide presentations & heavy jargons. |
How often have you felt the same after hiring the best of consultants & paying them through the roof? Or after attending top seminars, workshops & training programs? |
We decided to include ‘SIMPLIFIED’ in our core purpose & mission, core values, core customer value proposition “Next Level of Success. Simplified.” All our products & services revolve around this simple proposition. |
For example, Our “StrategySimplified®” workshop “How to Make & Execute Your Company’s Strategic Plan” helps you develop, for the first time in India to our knowledge, a 2 to 4 PAGE Simplified Strategic Plan & Execution Plan. |
“Impossible”, said some of our top consulting industry friends! “A very large company’s strategic plan cannot be presented in 2 to 4 pages”, they gasped! Well, we have made that possible! All of our products, services & consulting solutions are SIMPLIFIED. |
- Services delivered through only professionals with practical
Indian industry experience (Click to Read More)
While hiring top bill consultants during our corporate careers, we also observed that they sent a battery of consultants who were often hired straight from the top MBA school campuses, without having worked on the ground in Indian companies and rising through the cadres. In other words, they have no practical Indian industry experience! They haven’t been through the trenches, haven’t spent their blood, sweat & tears. And they start offering you solutions! |
As a second point of differentiation & uniqueness of MasterClass®, we decided that only professionals with practical hands-on experience of Indian industry will offer the training programs & consulting solutions. |
Finally, we believe that after many centuries, India is at an inflection point in this decade beginning 2011. Have you defined or redefined your company’s strategy? Have you created a simple 2 to 4 PAGE strategic Plan & Execution Plan? So that you can lead with all your resources, time & energy focused on a clearly defined direction with laser sharp focus objectives, and realize your vision & reap the benefits of the immense opportunities provided by the burgeoning Indian economy. |
This then, is our story. We created the MasterClass® Training & Consulting LLP to help Indian companies of any size and individuals reach the Next Level of Success. In a Simplified manner. So that we can contribute, in our own way, to the economic development of our country when our clients succeed. |
Core Purpose & Mission |
Core Purpose & Mission of MasterClass® is ‘Nation Building’; by contributing, in our own way, to the economic development of our country by helping tens of thousands of Indian Companies and millions of individuals reach the next level of success. We do this by providing business coaching & mentoring services, execution consulting services, simplified training programs and tools, through various mediums across the country, through professionals with practical industry experience. |